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What to do When Feeling Lost in Life

You might be wondering what the point in life is or unsure of your direction, purpose or what you want. You, like many others, might be feeling stuck and unfulfilled, but just know that there is a brand new version of you and phase of your life waiting.

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blog topics

Yoga & Meditation

Bring more joy, peace and balance to your body, mind, heart & awareness through profound, nourishing practises and lifestyle.


Feeling lost from your self can hugely affect your relationships. Explore how to feel connected to the world and people surrounding you. 

Who Am I

If you’re feeling lost or you’ve lost a sense of that person you once were or long to be, take a dive through the magic here to reconnect.

Your Cycle

Nourish and learn about your self & body through the magical process that connects you to the enchanting cyclic rhythms of nature. 

blog topics

Yoga & Meditation

Bring more joy, peace and balance to your body, mind, heart & awareness through profound, nourishing practises and lifestyle.

Who Are You?

If you’re feeling lost or you’ve lost a sense of that person you once were or long to be, take a dive through the magic here to reconnect.


Feeling lost from your self can hugely affect your relationships. Explore how to feel connected to the world and people surrounding you. 

Your Cycle

Nourish and learn about your self & body through the magical process that connects you to the enchanting cyclic rhythms of nature. 

“Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Welcome To...

The Blog

Light your candles, get yourself comfy with a cosy drink and get lost in the words written throughout this blog… so you can find your self again. Rediscover who you truly are and explore how to express this magic out into the world.

You are int here my love, and these posts are here to help guide you back towards your heart and who you are.

woman with red nails holding a compass in a forest figuring out what to do when feeling lost in life
Reconnect to Your Self & the World

What to do When Feeling Lost in Life

You might be wondering what the point in life is or unsure of your direction, purpose or what you want. You, like many others, might be feeling stuck and unfulfilled, but just know that there is a brand new version

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a woman with eye pillow laying on back practising yoga nidra - what is yoga nidra and its benefits
Who Am I?

What is Yoga Nidra and its Benefits

The nourishing practise of Yoga Nidra has endless benefits. Alleviating anxiety, easing stress and soothing poor sleep to name a few. Sometimes overlooked though is the extraordinary gift of exploring and experiencing yourself; as a human, and as the deepest

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10 Tools to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

You’ve likely heard about gratitude and the gorgeous benefits of having some kind of gratitude practice. Perhaps you’ve already tried a couple, or maybe this is the first you’re hearing of it. Either way, the purpose of this post is

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Sad rose - Mindful things to do after a breakup | Life in a Balance

How To Mindfully Deal With A Break-up

Goodbye’s can be flippin’ hard, fact.. But it doesn’t have to be all heartbreak. You can be alone. And you can be happy. So why have I decided to lay myself rather bare and vulnerable and write a blog post

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“Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

blog topics

Yoga & Meditation

Bring more joy, peace and balance to your body, mind, heart & awareness through profound, nourishing practises and lifestyle.

Who Am I?

If you're feeling lost or you've lost a sense of that person you once were or long to be, take a dive through the magic here to reconnect.


Feeling lost from your self can hugely affect your relationships. Explore how to feel connected to the world and people surrounding you. 

Your Cycle

Nourish and learn about your self & body through the magical process that connects you to the enchanting cyclic rhythms of nature.

the heart behind the words

Hey Love,

I’m Gabrielle

Like many women, I’ve been through phases in my life where I’ve lost a sense of who I am. So in 2021, I enrolled in a training that changed my life forever.

It sent me on a journey into the deepest parts of my being and the different layers of my self to know who I am and what I want in life from a pure and magical place. 

If you’re craving freedom from feeling lost and longing to sync into the true you, I’m glad you’ve found your way here. I help women reconnect to who they truly are through their heart & practises aligned with the awareness of their cycle. You’re in there my love, and you’ll be shining through again soon.

Hey Love,

I'm Gabrielle...

Like many women, I’ve been through phases in my life where I’ve lost a sense of who I am. So in 2021, I enrolled in a training that changed my life forever.

It sent me on a journey into the deepest parts of my being and the different layers of my self to know who I am and what I want in life from a pure and magical place. 

If you’re craving freedom from feeling lost and longing to sync into the true you, I’m glad you’ve found your way here. I help women reconnect to who they truly are through their heart & practises aligned with the awareness of their cycle. You’re in there my love, and you’ll be shining through again soon.


Who You Are


Sit with stillness to calm your mind and connect to your heart in this moment wherever you are. Uncover peace by discovering your self and essence by being aware of who you truly are through aligning and meditating with your cyclic nature.

yoga nidra

Strip back all the layers of who you think you are and explore the awareness that rests deep inside your heart. Take a deep, relaxing dive into the true you in alignment with your cycle and allow this to begin flowing effortlessly through your life.